So, the week starts off with another round of Taekwondo class. Today Maddie and Scarlet were waiting for Oliver outside the class with me. Oliver got a gander at Maddie, lost concentration, and again had to interrupt to tell Miss Lynn "Those are my friends Scarlet and Maddie!" Even Miss Lynn had to laugh.

I realize I am somewhat biased, but I think Oliver is just the cutest thing around in his little outfit. I think Brad took about 300 pictures during this one class!

Tuesday in Preschool the kidlets have a little Thanksgiving party. For our listening pleasure they recite a Thanksgiving poem....very cute, but it was even more fun watching the kids....
The kiddies enjoying their meal...

Thanksgiving Day --- Oliver and Daddy do the GUY THING and hang out at the firepit, poking sticks into the fire. Daddy is teaching Oliver the fine art of how to smoke a turkey breast. Gotta love those skinny, little, spidermonkey legs with no shorts on! Hehe...

Inside later, Oliver helps me in the kitchen. He had some serious (and messy!) fun crumbling up the cornbread for the dressing.

We had tons of yummy food. Maddie and Oliver sat at the kiddie table with their heaping plates of food. Oliver ate his corn kernels one-at-a-time with his fingers, his olives, the cranberries, the sweet potatoes, the corn muffin, and a roll. Who needs turkey when you have all this delicious starch?

After dinner the older kids join us adults for some serious card-playing. I haven't played cards in like, 25 years? It was really fun. The hard part was trying to stay awake after gobbling down heaps of food. A break for pumpkin pie helped.

The Thanksgiving turkey treats Scarlet made for Maddie's preschool class. Aren't they cute?! They saved 4 of them for us, and Oliver was thrilled. For the next few days, Oliver kept saying "how A-DOE-A-BLE" they were. Yummy, too.

Friday Auntie Cheri and Uncle Sean (OOPS!)--I mean, Jim (inside joke)...stayed in Vegas, so we drove over to their Strip room and hung out awhile. SWEE-EET view!

Auntie Cheri gots loads of mushy kisses and hugs.

Tami, Cheri, and Oliver
Saturday Cheri and Jim swung by our house on their way outta town. Oliver got a few more tickles and hugs... then we had to say bye-bye for now...

What?? You say you haven't seen enough taekwondo pictures yet? Well, then click here for more of those, as well as others from this week. Thanks for stopping by!

After dinner the older kids join us adults for some serious card-playing. I haven't played cards in like, 25 years? It was really fun. The hard part was trying to stay awake after gobbling down heaps of food. A break for pumpkin pie helped.

The Thanksgiving turkey treats Scarlet made for Maddie's preschool class. Aren't they cute?! They saved 4 of them for us, and Oliver was thrilled. For the next few days, Oliver kept saying "how A-DOE-A-BLE" they were. Yummy, too.
A Thanksgiving picture of the boy...

Friday Auntie Cheri and Uncle Sean (OOPS!)--I mean, Jim (inside joke)...stayed in Vegas, so we drove over to their Strip room and hung out awhile. SWEE-EET view!

Auntie Cheri gots loads of mushy kisses and hugs.

Tami, Cheri, and Oliver

1 comment:
I love all these photos of Oliver dressed in his taekwondo outfit..they are adorable! It appears that he is performing perfectly..keeping right in step with all the action moves directed by the instructor. He looks so cute! Photographer, daddy, did a great job getting all those action shots. Thanksgiving week was busy as usual for you all. It was really nice for Oliver to help prepare the Thanksgiving goodies and learn how to smoke a turkey..I'm sure that was fun for him. Your joining Scarlet's family for Thanksgiving dinner was nice and I'm sure everyone had a great time, and all the food was delicious. Oliver's pre-school class had a fun day..looks like they were enjoying the games, craft making and food treats. And then there was a special visit from Oliver's Auntie Cheri and Uncle Jim. It appears Oliver got a lot of attention from them and vice versa..all those photos are great! Your photos show that you all enjoyed the activities this week in Oliverland!
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