SUNDAY: Although we were feeling a bit on the lazy side, we decided to go to the annual Aviation Nation Airshow here in Las Vegas. We rarely miss a show as we love them, so in the end we were glad we made the trip. Oliver always enjoys the big bus ride from the parking lot to the airbase. He calls it the "FUN BUS" ride. This year he was thrilled that he got to sit in his very own seat. Whoo HOOO!!!! Oliver does not cry (as I saw other toddlers doing) when the jets roar past, but he is not thrilled with the noise, either. My heart always pounds with excitement and patriotism as I hear, then feel, the thunderous boom inside my chest. We stayed long enough to eat a few snacks, piddle around and peek at the displays, and see the Thunderbirds. I am so bad--i forgot the name of the plane the boys got to sit in. But here they are:

The Thunderbirds weren't even finished and Oliver was whining to go home. It was close to naptime and he was getting cranky. So we headed out. Usually it is pure blue skies but this year there were clouds and a chill in the air. Near the base entrance it started to sprinkle and we were hit with this most gorgeous sight! Is it not SPLENDID??!! The glorious Thunderbirds parting inside a full rainbow:

The rainbow was SO vivid and must have lasted a good 30 minutes. At this point I was SO glad we went!

WEDNESDAY: Oliver had his checkup with the opthamologist. At his 4th year pediatric checkup they detected major astigmatism in his left eye with their screening equipment, so his Peds Dr. recommended we take him to a specialist. We were a bit bummed about this news, but knew there were worse things than having to get glasses. I was a bit worried how he would do, as he is still a bit of a wuss. I have to say that the nurse we had to give a preliminary check and dilation was awesome with Oliver. He kept Oliver calm, and Oliver did just fine. It helps that he loves anything "machine-like," so he was thrilled with all the eye equipment surrounding him. He kept saying "COOOO--OOOL." The long story short, the eye doctor did his thing and said Oliver's sight was 20/20! No astigmatism! He said the screeners some pediatricians use are worthless. Needless to say, we were thrilled with the news! I forgot to take the camera with me, so we only have this picture of Joe Cool with his dilation sunglasses on after we got home. Don't they go well with that binky? Yes, our kid still sucks on one at 4.....get over it!

THURSDAY: Our second Taekwondo class. There are only 2 kidlets in the class, Oliver and another little girl, who happened to not be there this day. So Oliver had special attention from two teachers. I think Oliver really enjoyed having the older boy there for him to look up to. Be ready to be sick of Taekwondo pictures:

Gotta love it -- right in the middle of class, Oliver must interrupt and point right to me and tell his teachers "And that's my friend, Mommy." I'm sure the teachers think that's real cute.

Oliver gets in some outdoor time to test drive his fancy Bigwheels he got from ReeRee and GranDaddy. His legs are a tad too short but he still manages to get going pretty fast and fly across the back porch. Watch out!
Here he is testing out the big-boy bike from Kevin and Gloria. Yes, i know--he's not wearing a helmet. We're not bad parents, we just haven't gotten one yet. We walked beside him the whole time. And ran. Phew. He actually does pretty well. He looks so big.

SATURDAY: So today we had Maddie come over for a play-date. Last playdate Maddie was in a grumpy mood, and today I think it was more Oliver. She was giving him hugs and he only had a puss for my camera.

Playing out back in the "kitchen." Oliver was making mashed potatoes with spinach. Maddie prepared tuna salad.
Wow! The second week of November was a very busy week in Oliverland. The Aviation Nation Airshow on Sunday must have been well worth the time and effort it took to get to the show. I love that pix of Oliver and Brad in the airplane..that's a memory maker for sure! The photo of the rainbow and the Thunderbirds flying awesome!..and the photo of the rainbow and clouds shows such vivid colour..just beautiful!..once in a lifetime photos! I'm sure the Thunderbirds delivered a terrific airshow to the thrill of everyone attending. On Wednesday when Oliver had his Ophthalmologist eye exam..what a blessing to receive such great news that his vision is 20/ glasses needed! Evidently, seeing all the optical equipment and finding it so fascinating made this doctor's visit a treat for Oliver...and Momma and Daddy, too!!! And then it's Thursday and Oliver's Taekwondo class. Great photos of Oliver in action..and how cute he is! appears he is taking to the "moves" with enthused participation and doing an expert performance...Lookout!! comes Oliver Bradford, the future Taekwondo Champ!!! After a busy and fun day, looks like Oliver is still having fun riding his Big Wheels and bicycle. Photos from Saturday appears that Oliver might not be in the mood to spend a lot of time preparing food in the "backyard kitchen" with his friend, Maddie..the photos are really cute!! Maybe he is a little tired after such a busy week! :)
"Fun and exciting"!! my words to sum up this week in "Oliverland"!
Lovely, lovely picture of the Thunderbirds--I miss thrilling to their sound over Capital Hill in Seattle!
Did you know I have a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do? I was just going for my black stripe when I got mono. Pooh. Never kept it up after college, I must say...
Glad to hear Oliver's eyes are ok, of course! And thanks for the nice comments on my blog, too!
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