Our boy, who is about as tender-hearted as they come, and not typically very brave, made it through his first filling!! No! He did NOT pass out. No! He did not scream, or choke, or any of the other horrid things I'd imagined. I have been prepping for this for weeks, so that we both would stay calm, at least that was my plan....and for once things went according to plan!
I was told ahead of time not to use the word S-H-O-T. Anything but.
Freeze. Frozen. Numb. Those worked.
The worse part was getting up at 6am for the 7am appointment time. Difficult for a little boy who gets up at 9am. I wanted a later time but was told that "Doc likes the kids to come in early so if there is screaming/crying they won't annoy/aggravate/scare the other clients away. Or something very similar. I figured she was probably joking. Then I thought she probably wasn't. And I was a little worried.
I had contemplated taking Oliver to one of those kiddie dentists where the waiting rooms were filled with video games that enticed...but I cringed at the thought of all the germs crawling around, simply to have some fun prior to still getting the cavity filled.
I happen to love our dentist, however, so I figured I would give Dr. Devore a chance to take care of our little guy first. And I am so glad I did. He, as well as all the staff there, are so wonderful and I couldn't have asked for better treatment of Oliver. They showed him the tools, talked about what they would be doing, and made him feel at ease. Oliver was so brave and was raring to go! Dr. Devore promised me that Oliver would never know he received a shot. I was still totally skeptical.
The bright lights seemed to bother Oliver the most, so he got his own pair of dark glasses, instantly turning him into Joe Cool.

getting started
Wow. Here the S-H-O-T is complete, without any fanfare!! Amazing! Dr. Devore then shows off some cool tool for Oliver.
Filling in progress.
You know it is going well when Oliver gives the DOUBLE thumbs-up sign!!
Oliver said the hardest part was keeping his mouth open for such a long time (although it seems to stay open easily enough at other times).
And naturally, the BEST part of going to the dentist and finishing up is getting to plunder through the treasure chest of goodies while smoking a cigarette! Er...uh...I mean chewing on a chunk of cotton!! :)
Dr. Devore even personally called Oliver the day after to check on him and make sure he was OK. Oliver was giddy with happiness and proceeded to tell me how he LOVES everyone at our dentist's office!
And all is good again, for now. And my boy can obviously be tougher than I expected. I am so very proud. Thank you Dr. Devore!
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