We neglected to make it to this commercial "pumpkin patch" last year, and we told Oliver we would come for sure the next year. So this year, with all the business of daily activities, next thing we know it is the day before Halloween and we haven't been to the patch. It sits along the road next to Sam's Club, and on the way to a grocery run, Oliver reminds me that we promised to take him there this year. Uh. Talk about an excellent memory. Oliver's main desire at the patch is not necessarily to look for a pumpkin (not that I'd buy one here), but rather the giant puffy slide, and the petting zoo. I turn in. A nice man leaving the patch offers to us his last ticket to ride the slide. We accept with thanks. We walk around and check out the gourds and pumpkins and get a few pictures.

We stopped and bought some tickets to the "petting zoo" and the puffy slide. We hit the petting zoo first. Oliver cooed over the fluffy animals, and marvelled as he watched a goat poop (no, I don't have a picture of this).

Next stop: Puffy Slide. The last time we were here Oliver couldn't climb by himself, much less go down the slide, but this year he did everything himself...climbing and all. A big step for a boy that does not carry the "NO FEAR" gene. He was so proud.
Here's the happy boy after cruising to his heart's delight...
As we buckle up, Oliver is perfectly content. It does not take much to please a 5-year old. It makes me so happy we squeezed in this trip to the "Pumpkin Patch!" To see more pictures from our trip to the patch click here.

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