Although it has been relatively cool here in Las Vegas for this time of year, we drove up to Mt. Charleston for a breath of fresher, cooler air. It was soooo nice! There were very few people there, so we had our pick of tables to set up a little picnic lunch of PB&J's to give us energy. We wanted to try and take a tiny walk to get Oliver used to hiking. The air was almost the low 60s.
Mr. Happy

Taking advantage of the cute rental car...and kid :)
Before we even got onto the trail, Oliver had already collected a walking stick. Little did we know this would be our downfall within the hour...
Blowing the scenery away...(and probably wishing for a pile of sticks)

Me? A troublemaker? nahhh...

Uh Oh. And so it begins. Apparently Oliver did not grasp exactly what hiking is, or means. It does NOT mean ignoring that we have a path to follow. It does NOT mean collecting every stick you see, then asking Mommy to hold them for you. I tried to explain that we need our hands for balance, and that in reality, Mommy only has 2 hands (I know, you thought it was 12). Well, this explanation did not sit too well with Oliver. The next series of pictures shows the Oliver frustration when I told him he could not carry a wad of sticks and branches with him on a hike. And that I couldn't carry them. First, the pouty downturned mouth forms...oh, the sadness.
Reality sinks in.

Then, the whinies begin...

At last, the sobs to the sky. Oliver cried out "I hate it when you and Daddy won't let me do my FANG!! (kidspeak-THING).

Yes--Oliver gets over the tantrum. Here's my boys-in-the-wood.

A bit blurry, but a family pic nonetheless :)

Ah...the great outdoors. It is so nice that Oliver is getting to the age where we can again get out and enjoy these simple things that we sometimes take for granted.
Some other pictures from the week:

Some good jostlin' around and giggling with Daddy
Click here for more pictures from the week.
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Then, the whinies begin...

At last, the sobs to the sky. Oliver cried out "I hate it when you and Daddy won't let me do my FANG!! (kidspeak-THING).

Yes--Oliver gets over the tantrum. Here's my boys-in-the-wood.

A bit blurry, but a family pic nonetheless :)

Some other pictures from the week:
Poor Skippie-Lu, we torture her so...

Some good jostlin' around and giggling with Daddy
I love sleeping pictures, and this is no exception. I wish i could fall asleep in any manner or form. Must be nice to end a busy day's activities so easily...

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