On Saturday Scarlet came over with all 5 kids to hang out for the day. Seems like it might be zoo-like with that many kids running around, but not really. Oliver and Maddie play nicely together doing whatever interests them. The teenager brought a book to read. And all the ones in between danced their hearts out with the Wii. Scarlet and I got to hang out and enjoy having normal adult conversations (a rarity). I made a big batch of chicken quesdillas for lunch and afterwards we went outside to enjoy the beautiful day. Bubbles were blown and chased, and everyone prepared mudcakes and baked mudpies to their hearts' desires. Of course, I also enjoyed this opportunity to take a few snapshots of a couple of the beautiful Cline girls.
Oliver and Maddie make a wish...

Serious baking is going on in Oliver's kitchen...


And, a serious-looking Oliver, but i love those eyes...

1 comment:
What a wonderful way to entertain children, while the momma's are enjoying some time of their own. Really nice photos of the activities..adorable pictures of the girls..and of course, Oliver is his usual cute self. Obviously a fun-Saturday playdate!
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