Here's a picture of Oliver on party day before the guests arrive. He loved his lobster balloon.
I wanted to have all the food themed around the party, but i got too stressed (and too cheap) thinking about it all. In my imagination i envisioned some sort of shrimp dinner and crab cakes, but i ended up taking the easy way out. Brad offered to BBQ some pork butts, and that sounded very low-maintenance to me, so i graciously took on that idea. All i had to do was make some side dishes. I made mac-n-cheese, BBQ beans, and potato salad to go with. In fitting with the theme, i also made my spinach-artichoke dip, except that was "Seaweed Dip." Here's a fiery picture of the coals heatin' up to go into the smoker for Brad to BBQ his pork overnite. Cool picture, huh?!
Our house is not really set up for lots of people, so we were hoping the weather would work out in our favor so we could have everything out back since we have plenty of room out there. And it did--it was lovely out. Oliver's best little friend in the world, Maddie, showed up with 3 of her siblings, Sierra, Layton, and Lyndsay, as well as her Mom (my friend, Scarlet). The next-door neighbor kids, Tommy and Amanda, showed up with their Mom (my friend, Tricia). And i also invited the new neighbors across the fence. Their 3 kids had been talking to Oliver over our back wall for some time so i figured it was time to get to know them better! Oliver was so excited to make some more friends--Rilie, Ryan, and Karissa (and Mom and Dad Tina and Todd). Our friends Kevin and Gloria have been celebrating Oliver's birthdays with us each year and this was no exception. And it wouldn't be a party without our good friend, Jeannie, who was with us when Oliver came into the world, and has been helping to celebrate it with him each year as well. 8 adults i can handle. And 10 kids? It was a wild evening! With the kids ranging in age from 4 to 14, we planned a few little games that everyone could enjoy. We started with Ocean Critter Bingo:
Who doesn't love to do the LIMBO?? This was fun to watch. Especially with the bigger kids. Sierra and Layton did great. And for being the tallest, Rilie ROCKED! Must be nice to have all those young, lanky limbs they can bend and crunch down into squatty positions! And, a picture of Skippie (our doggie girl) just happy to be hanging out during the festivities. She always has a ball when we have lots of company over!

The STINGRAY TOSS. Self-explanatory.

Pinata time!! We got this dorky shark pinata that had big, drunken-looking eyes that just screamed DOHHHH! The game went from everyone being blindfolded with one hit....to 1 hit without the blindfold....to 3 good hits while looking....then real impatience set in and everyone just started whacking the thing to get it to break open, which it did. I forget which kid finally broke it, but i did the honors of whacking it good one final time so everyone could grab for the sweets....
Dinnertime. Phew. Finally we sit down for a few minutes to eat. Oliver was too good to sit at the long table with everyone. He has better things going on, thank you very much. He has fallen in love with Rilie and only wants to share his dinner with her. It was too cute.
PRESENTS!! Too many pictures to show here, but this gives the general gist of the paper-tearing extravaganzaa!! Oliver got lots of nice things. Books. Dinosaurs. A Scooby-Doo pinball machine. Lite Brite. A piggy bank. A toy car. An Octopus Playdoh machine-thingie (perfect in keeping with the theme!). A big-boy bike with training wheels and a Big Wheel machine!
Although i was too overwhelmed for Oliver's 1st birthday party to think of it, each year since i have tried to make a homemade birthday cake for him. We always seem to have a theme, too. I am not a baker. But each year i have learned more and have acquired more neat little tools to work with. After last year's cake, i said that was it--i wasn't doing any more homemade cakes. Too stressful for me. Too much work and time....but, alas....the kidlet seems to get a lot of joy so i gave in again and made another cake. I had no good ideas for this cake but in keeping with the theme i decided to make the centerpiece of the cake an octopus. I made 2 GIANT rectangular chocolate cakes with a choclate mousse filling. I made a 3rd batch of cake that went into cupcake and dome shapes to be the "sea cave" my octopus would sit atop. I have never worked with fondant so this was a big challenge for me. I spent hours making the fondant and trying to mold it into a recognizable octopus. Not so easy. I was disappointed. I wrapped it in plastic and left it until party day. On Sunday, i piped on little details that gave my octopus a little more character and i was happy. I made a a big treasure chest to set opposite of the octopus, as well as a smaller one for the octopus to guard. The chests were filled with candy treats. 2 weeks prior to all of this, i used colored chocolate to mold lots of sea creatures to decorate around the cake with. Sour strips were the seaweed, and gummy sharks and other creatures helped round out the decors. It seemed plain, but once i got the frosting piped around the edges it all just seemed to come together! The final touch was a sprinkling of blue sparklies around for that blue ocean feel..... here are some snapshots on the evolution of the cake.....i have to say i am very proud of myself on this one. Brad says every year i out-do myself! It turned out really cool and was truly the hit of the party!! This sucker weighed in at 25 pounds and was a child's delight with all the candy!
And....the Piece de Resistance!!! Isn't is cute??
Chow time. It's all about the cake. After the party, i asked Oliver what was his favorite part about his birthday party? He responded..."Eating CAKE!!!"

It really was a great day! Oliver really is in his element when surrouded by children. When it came time to walk everyone out, Oliver just lost it. He cried and cried and said he wanted all his little friends to stay at his house. :( The worse part came when he accidentally let loose of his lobster balloon and it flew straight up toward the Heavens. The horrendous sobbing began and it only subsided somewhat when i said that we could look for another one sometime. Thanks to everyone for sharing in his day!!
And another year in Oliverland begins.
For many more pictures of oliver's 4th Birthday see my slideshow here. There are 135 photos, so be sure to scroll down to catch them all!
Love to see parents like yourself enjoy your child's birthday party. It was adorable.
Well, Tami, you have put into words a very vivid description of Oliver's 4th birthday from beginning to end..the fabulous '
"Under the Sea" party with friends..kids and adults..the awesome Octopus cake and all the little sea life all around; lots of games for the kids to enjoy.. and of course lots of good food to everyone's delight. I know it all was lots of fun for Oliver and all the guest, and was worth all the time and effort that went into it.
Obviously Oliver didn't want to see it end. That's evident when he cried for his friends to stay at his house. And too bad he lost his lobster balloon, but maybe it will float back down someday. :)
October 22, 2008 4:17 AM
Note: This is ReeRee's comments: I am re-publishing my comments from earlier today, as it was posted as "anonynmous"
Well, Tami, you have put into words a very vivid description of Oliver's 4th birthday from beginning to end..the fabulous '
"Under the Sea" party with friends..kids and adults..the awesome Octopus cake and all the little sea life all around; lots of games for the kids to enjoy.. and of course lots of good food to everyone's delight. I know it all was lots of fun for Oliver and all the guest, and was worth all the time and effort that went into it.
Obviously Oliver didn't want to see it end. That's evident when he cried for his friends to stay at his house. And too bad he lost his lobster balloon, but maybe it will float back down someday. :)
OMG, Tami, that is the bestest, funnest cake I have ever seen!!! How totally awesome, and what a phenomenal job you did with the fondant on your very first try!!!
So impressed!
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