The rain is back. No torrential downpours here, but just enough falling at a steady rate where there were no plans to go out of the house unless necessary. It was cold out, too. Skippie woke up not feeling well and proceeded to go outside and barf. Second time in the last week she has done this. Usually it is just an upset tummy and she is fine the next day. She ended up eating some lunch and seems OK now. Oliver and I stayed in our jammies most of the day. I took some time out and after lunch we started watching a movie together...Clash of the Titans. Someone told me their 5-year old loved it, and Oliver loves creatures of any sort, so he was all for it. I guess with the rain... and cold... and dark house... he couldn't keep up, and he fell asleep within 15 minutes. I took the opportunity to get a few shots. Here is our sweet little guy at rest.

When he woke up the rain had let up and there were patches of blue sky. We got dressed and took Skippie for her daily mosey and to collect the mail. After dropping Skippie back off at the house, we ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things. Still thinking of something to take a picture of, I noticed a puddle in the parking lot. Since puddles are a rarity in the desert, I took the opportunity, even though it was dusk. A quick couple of shots landed me these two photos. Oliver did not stand still enough for the light available, so they came out a bit blurry. I added some interesting effects to make them more artsy and to disguise the blur. I like how the oil streaks in the puddle have a great swirly effect.
When we got home it was time to get dinner going. We decided on some homemade pizza. Oliver was very excited to help design his own. He wanted Hawaiian style, pineapple and ham. In addition, I got some artichoke hearts, mushrooms, green olives, and pepperoni ready for my pizza. Oliver filled his pie up with ham and pineapple, then dug into my pile and added all the remaining ingredients! We cheesed it up then stuck it in the oven. They came out delicious! Here are some photos of our dinnertime.
Today ended up being one of those day where it was hard for me to choose just one for my POTD. Each was a part of our day and told a short story. So, I gave Oliver the task of choosing. To see his choice and why, visit my 365 blog!
We finished watching Clash, and it was a hit with Oliver, although he was a bit disappointed he didn't get to see Zeus throw lightning blots down from the sky. Oh, well, you can't have everything. Nitey nite.